The Humor and Life, in Particular Web site
author:  Margie Culbertson

March '98 Contest WINNER!
Best Very Short Humor!

Microdrama: PIZZA




"Hello? Oh, it's you."

"Dominance's Quick–Or–Free Pizza! It's FAST! It's a BLAST! It's..."

"Yeah, Yeah... Come on in.... How much do I owe you?"

"Fourteen thirty–four with tax."

"Here's twenty, kid. Keep the change."

"Gee, thanks. That's a good tip. Now— I need your employer number."

"My What? You need my What??"

"Your employer number. For the income tax. New IRS regulation. You've got to file tips of over one dollar at the source. I've got all the forms right here in my backpack."

"Employer number? FORMS??"

"Don't worry— if you don't have an employer number, we can use your Social Security number. Let's see... here's form ten–slash–ten–slash–nine.."

"I didn't know about forms... I... just.. wanted a..."

"Don't WORRY! Do–Do's GUARANTEES to finish the paperwork in twenty minutes or you get another pizza FREE! Here— Schedule A.. uh... Subsection C, Form B..."

"Look— I didn't know about any forms.. can't we just forget...?"

"No Fair! Can't avoid forms once we start. Might be considered Income Tax Evasion by the IRS. We don't want that, DO WE?"

"Well, no, I.. I.."

"I thought so. Just a few more boxes to fill in..."

* * *

"WELL! Finished! That wasn't so hard! And you get a FREE PIZZA! I'll get one from the car..."

"Here's your FREE PIZZA! We just need to fill out the forms for Windfall Income, and Imputed Income for pizza you won't finish and could've sold...."

(c) jet___FEATURES__
This article may be quoted with proper attribution/credit. Payment is welcomed from for–profit publications.

About the Author:

Journalist: nominated, 1977 LA Press Club Award for Panama Canal Story. Humorist, Columnist, Commentator: wrote paid Editorial/Opinion for the Houston Post; Guest Editorials (conservative) for many newspapers. Wrote Column, ALL I KNOW IS WHAT I SEE IN THE MEDIA by W.T. Potus, for the Bay Area Tribune and the North Galveston County Weekly News, 1994–1996.

jet___ (Janice E. Terry) is "a ruthless and heartless Editor, always striving for clarity...and...a genuine Lover of the English Language, dedicated to clear and concise communication". She is Manager/Owner of MBA Services–Clear Lake Business/Industrial Writing Service (in the NASA/Petrochem/Industrial part of Houston), 15 years. In addition, she is a Business Writer/Copywriter/Techwriter/Marketing Consultant;Internationally recognized Expert on Executive/Technical/Professional Resumes; knowledgable writer for Aerospace/Petro–Chem/Hi–Tech/Energy; recognized Consultant on Business Plans/Proposals.

jet___ is bilingual in English and Spanish and frequently does Spanish to English translations for businesses.

Humorist, Frivologist, Mirthematician, Verbivore, Columnist, Editor/Writer, and Marketing Consultant.

2005. In memoriam. jet__ (Janice), we shall miss you.

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©Margie Culbertson

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