humor stories

Laugh Your Shorts Off...
Short stories to make you giggle by award–winning writers

humor stories Edited by: Margie Culbertson
humor stories
humor stories
humor stories
     This is the best book of humor stories to come along in years. It contains almost 70 humor stories from 8 countries. All of these humor stories are family–friendly. All of these humor stories are award winners. And all these humor stories are hilarious.humor stories
     These humor stories are just bursting with talent. The authors of these stories are everything from work–a–day to professional writers. The authors of these humor stories include: Sam Harper, screenwriter of movies such as Rookie of the Year and Cheaper by the Dozen (I and II); Debbie Farmer, writer for Reader's Digest and The Washington Post, and featured with Erma Bombeck in Life's a Stitch; Bill Naylor, a former British TV comedy writer for twenty-five years.humor stories
     So run to or and grab the best book of funny stories to come along in years! Boy oh boy, have they got stories to tell.